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Improve Your Email Marketing Strategies in Just 3 Simple Ways

Email marketing strategy is part of the overall digital marketing strategy of your business. It is a great way to market your products and services for making more profit. To reach your goals through email marketing, your strategy needs to be focused on minimising unsubscribers and fostering recipient engagement. But not everyone knows how and what to implement to develop a strategic approach that enables them to achieve their core objectives. 

Below are 3 main and most important email marketing tips that can help you get the results you always wanted. 

1. Know Primetime to send your email 

The timing for sending your email plays the most important element in any email marketing strategy. Sending your email during the normal office hours 9 to 5 isn’t the best option if you want your email marketing to be effective. The time of day, your subscribers receive emails directly contributes to performance. The best time is to send them at night. While many a quality email may be built during business hours, the ones with the best open rates aren’t being sent from 9 to 5. The Experian Marketing Services, in their report, found that they received the best open rate is from 8:00 p.m. to midnight. So, the top email strategy is to send your emails at night. 

2. Create subject lines that lead to conversions 

When you write an article, just from a headline, the readers decide whether they want to read it or not. Similarly, the subject of the emails determines whether the users open and read your email or not. Make your subject line killer that means, it should attract and grab the attention of people with only 3 to 5 words. Crafting perfect subject lines means an increase in the rate of readers. 

3. Content: Copy and Visual 

The success of your email marketing strategy depends on its content. To create great content, you need to focus on a few things: 

  • When you are campaigning, make sure you are giving your subscribers information that is unique and different. Give information that is not easily or freely available. 
  • Usually, people are attracted by visuals so use images. As they say “Images speak louder than words.” 
  • Got a lot of content? Then use a call to action button which directs them to your website where they can read full information or article. 

By using these simple 3 tips, you can go a long way not only with providing a better user experience for your recipients but also for your business and its success. 

Hyder Hussaini

Hyder Hussaini

Creative Director

Hyder Hussaini is a Digital Marketing Consultant and a Creative Director at iNext Digital Marketing Agency, he looks after creating the brands that will not only engage, inform, surprise, delight, and impact their audience, but that will also deliver on measurable business goals. He works as the channel between the brand and the consumer.